Tuesday, February 07, 2017


I am going to mama-brag for a moment, and as a result I will no doubt embarrass my daughter, Serenity Singer. But I am her mother, and it's my prerogative. 

She reminds me so much of my own mother, whom I lost to breast cancer when Wren was just a toddler. She inherited my mom's gorgeous, dark green Irish eyes. Wren does exceed my mom's eyes in one aspect: the naturally dark, curly lashes she gets from her father. They remind me a bit of Elizabeth Taylor's. 

She also inherited my mother's elegant hands. When I was a child, I would watch my mom write and just be fascinated by her hands: long, graceful fingers and natural French-tip nails that many women would (and do) pay a small fortune for! I am so glad to get to see those hands again, in her granddaughter. 

But those are just the externals. Where my daughter really takes after my mother is in her nature: kind-hearted, a loyal friend, a sardonic sense of humor, a love of cats and books and tea. And above all, her sensitivity, her generosity, and her strong sense of empathy. 

Sometimes, it's like a piece of my mom remains here, in her granddaughter. And I am thankful to G-d for it. 


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